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Heart-focused breathing can be a very powerful tool for stress relief or priming yourself for focus and clarity. 

It is a scientifically validated technique, which helps to increase emotional and mental self-regulation.

Heart-focused breathing won’t take a lot of time out of your day, but it can add lots of benefits to your life, especially in periods of intense stress or lack of motivation and focus when used alongside other practices. 

It is designed to induce a calm, but alert state by allowing you to take a time-out, where you can step back and adapt your thoughts and emotions to realign you with your goals.  

The process of heart-focused breathing enables more air to flow into your body, and can help calm your nerves, reducing stress and anxiety. 

All things that are not only beneficial to your overall well-being, but to your weight loss journey too.

How Heart Breathing Focus Works-

You’ll need to ensure that you allocate 5 minutes to this process where you will not be disturbed to interrupted.

Choose a place that you can be comfortable (this could be on the floor crossed legged, laid down or sat on a chair).

Make sure your phone is on silent, and you have headphones on/in for the audio provided.

Once you have started the audio focus your attention on your heart.

Now imagine your breath is flowing directly in and out of your heart or chest area. If it helps, you can place your hand over your heart, during this process.

Breathe a little deeper and slower than usual.

Inhale deeply for a count of 5, and exhale for a count of 5.

Continue with this pattern for the full 5 minutes.

Once you have become familiar with this practice, you can also use it as a stress relief technique. It can be especially useful, when trying to interrupt the inclination to binge as it can disrupt the subconscious compulsive desires.