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EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy)

Weight loss can be one of the most frustrating problems imaginable. And when you’ve been on a weight loss journey for a long time, and you’re still struggling to reach your goal, or maintain any losses achieved, it can become such a disheartening process.

This can lead to mental blocks, and a tendency to unintentionally hold onto weight, due to these subconscious issues. 

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) for weight loss is a form of healing/counselling intervention, that stimulates acupressure points by pressuring, tapping, or rubbing these points while focusing on releasing emotional and physical weight, and lifting mental blocks.

It does this by combining acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field Therapy (TFT).

EFT also combines elements of exposure therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and somatic stimulation, and evidence based studies have proven it can enhance weight loss success. 

I personally used EFT on my own weight loss journey, and found it extremely powerful. And as much as I know that it may not be for everyone, I wanted my members to have enough tools at hand to really amp up their weight loss power. Whether you use them or not is down to you.

But as much s I am now a fan of this practice, full disclosure-  the first time I tried it it felt stupid and my brain rejected it because I have a monkey brain (it runs rampage during heightened emotional states), and I just couldn’t connect to the process.

It took me a little while (and feeling desperate to experience some physical and emotional relief) to go back to it. Especially  after repeatedly reading about the positive experiences and benefits others had experienced using EFT.

What I found incredibly useful was to do a short burst of heart focused breathing prior to starting EFT which helped quieten my mind enough to connect during the process.

And after a few sessions, I began to start to experience relief, in the form of a ‘rush’ sensation with every round that I completed. 

It became a practice I used (and still use) frequently for clarity and relief and I am now a qualified master practitioner for EFT.


EFT involves tapping specific points on the body, primarily on the head and the face, in a particular sequence whilst doing this you also focus on the issue that you wish to treat. According to EFT International, the technique can be helpful for people with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, stress, weight loss issues, migraines and many other problems.

In 2016 a review of 14 studies on EFT reported that people who used tapping for weight management, experienced a significant decrease in the intensity of their binge episodes, and saw a decrease in self-sabotaging behaviour. 

To use EFT tapping for weight loss, we will follow these five steps:

STEP 1-identify the issue clearly.

During this step, you must think about the way that you feel about your weight.

Now rank the intensity of that issue on a scale of 0–10, with 10 being the worst the issue has ever been.

This ranking system allows you to assess the effectiveness of the tapping at the end of the treatment

I no longer allow this emotional and physical weight to hold me back.

I release this weight for good.

I choose to be happy.

I choose to be healthy.

I choose to be free.

I release this weight for good.

I will lose weight naturally now.

My metabolism will work quickly.

I release this weight.


STEP 2-The setup statement.

The purpose of the setup statement, is to maintain your focus on the problem, whilst we realign the related energy disruption. This involves using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), which will help to recondition your subconscious thought patterns, and release psychological blocks. 

We will tap through two phases, using two variations of statements- 

Acceptance (statement 1)

I accept that I have held on to this physical and emotional weight.

I accept that this has held me back.

I accept that I have prevented myself from being free.

I accept that this has made me feel trapped.

I accept that this weight has prevented me from feeling good.

I accept that I have not been in control of life.

I accept that I have not believed in myself.

I accept that this has taken up so much of my mental space.

I accept that it’s time to let go.

Release (statement 2)

I no longer allow this emotional and physical weight to hold me back.

I release this weight for good.

I choose to be happy.

I choose to be healthy.

I choose to be free.

I release this weight for good.

I will lose weight naturally now.

My metabolism will work quickly.

I release this weight.

STEP 3- Tapping sequence.

The tapping points, in sequence, are as follows:

Karate chop point (KC) (this point is at the centre of the fleshy part of the outer hand).

Beginning of the eyebrow (EB) — the beginning of the brow, just above and to the side of the nose.

Side of the eye (SE) — on the bone at the outside corner of the eye.

Under the eye (UE) — on the bone under the eye, approximately 1 inch (in) below the pupil.

Under the nose (UN) — the point between the nose and upper lip.

Chin point (CH) — halfway between the underside of the lower lip and the bottom of the chin.

Beginning of the collarbone (CB) — the point where the breastbone (sternum), collarbone, and first rib intersect.

Under the arm (UA) — at the side of the body, approximately 4 in below the armpit.

Top of the head (TOH) — directly in the centre of the top of the head.

When tapping, use two or more fingertips and repeat the tap approximately five times on each point.
While some points, for example, the EB, SE, and UE have a “twin point” on the other side of the body, it is only necessary to tap on one side.

However, individuals can tap these points on both sides if both of their hands are free and they feel that works more.






TAP-  Beginning of the eyebrow (EB) — the beginning of the brow, just above and to the side of the nose. SAY- I accept that I have held on to this physical and emotional weight.

TAP- Beginning of the eyebrow (EB) — the beginning of the brow, just above and to the side of the nose. SAY- 

I accept that this has held me back.

TAP- Side of the eye (SE) — on the bone at the outside corner of the eye. SAY- I accept that I have prevented myself from being free.

TAP- Under the eye (UE) — on the bone under the eye, approximately 1 inch (in) below the pupil. SAY- I accept that this has made me feel trapped.

TAP- Under the nose (UN) — the point between the nose and upper lip. SAY- I accept that this weight has prevented me from feeling good.

TAP- Chin point (CH) — halfway between the underside of the lower lip and the bottom of the chin. SAY- I accept that I have not been in control of life.

TAP- Beginning of the collarbone (CB) — the point where the breastbone (sternum), collarbone, and first rib intersect. SAY- I accept that I have not believed in myself.

TAP- Under the arm (UA) — at the side of the body, approximately 4 in below the armpit. SAY- I accept that this has taken up so much of my mental space.

TAP- Top of the head (TOH) — directly in the centre of the top of the head. SAY- I accept that it’s time to let go.


TAP-  Beginning of the eyebrow (EB) — the beginning of the brow, just above and to the side of the nose. SAY- 

TAP- Beginning of the eyebrow (EB) — the beginning of the brow, just above and to the side of the nose. SAY- I release this weight for good.

TAP- Side of the eye (SE) — on the bone at the outside corner of the eye. SAY- I choose to be happy.

TAP- Under the eye (UE) — on the bone under the eye, approximately 1 inch (in) below the pupil. SAY- I choose to be healthy.

TAP- Under the nose (UN) — the point between the nose and upper lip. SAY- I choose to be free.

TAP- Chin point (CH) — halfway between the underside of the lower lip and the bottom of the chin. SAY- I release this weight for good.

TAP- Beginning of the collarbone (CB) — the point where the breastbone (sternum), collarbone, and first rib intersect. SAY- I will lose weight naturally now.

TAP- Under the arm (UA) — at the side of the body, approximately 4 in below the armpit. SAY- My metabolism will work quickly.

TAP- Top of the head (TOH) — directly in the centre of the top of the head. SAY- I release this weight.


This completes your EFT tapping sequence. It may take a few attempts for you to experience the ‘rush’ sensation, or or to find the acupressure points immediately, but the more you practice this, the more relief you will feel. 

This can be a great intervention tool, if you’re feeling triggered to binge. This is because binge eating is an emotional distress coping mechanism, and tapping can relieve that emotional tension, and prevent a binge session.