Welcome to your introduction to Harmony Nutrition.
This nutrition guide is to help support your MHBA journey, and enhance your levels of weight loss success.
One of the benefits of MHBA, and the reason it’s labelled as “natures Ozempic” is due to the fact that it acts as a GLP-1 activator which reduces hunger, manages cravings and boosts your fat burning system.
But there are certain foods that do this too, and the Harmony nutrition guide features those foods to even further enhance your success, and turn your body into a FAT BURNING MACHINE.
Now before I explain the nutrition guide to you, I want to first and foremost express that this is NOT a diet plan.
Anyone that has ever come into contact with me will know exactly how I feel about diets plans. And not only are they scientifically proven to NOT achieve long-term weight loss (87% of people following a diet plan fail to achieve life-long success), but they are also proven to cause negative psychological associations to food (even causing eating disorders in some cases), devastate your metabolism and disrupt your hormones (specifically the hormones that are connected to body weight), and so as far as diets go- quick short-term results always come with a detrimental long-term cost that makes losing weight even harder. Especially for women.
This nutrition guide has been designed to help you develop healthier food habits whilst boosting your hormones to achieve optimal weight loss success without depriving yourself of a normal balanced life.

There are four main fundamental parts of this guide that you are required to encouraged to apply to your life in order to achieve optimal weight loss results, and each one is equally important and effective.
yourself to eat 3 meals per day using the meal ratio below, 1 snack per day using the snack list (this is optional), along with 5 glasses of water. And then if you successfully achieve that principle throughout the day you have achieved your FREEDOM 300, which is 300 calories that you can use in any way you choose.
* Please note that this will be the only time that you will be asked to check calories ever *.
And you can either use them up that day, or save them to accumulate for the weekend.
Either way, they are yours to do as you please with, the only stipulation is that you have followed the other principles.
The great thing about this, is that if you don’t achieve the goal for your meals, rations and snacks in a day, you just start afresh the next day.
This takes away the damaging belief that ‘one bad day ruins it all’. Because one day not following the guide is just that, one day.
The main thing to remember here is that you are the only one that knows whether you have followed this fully, so you are the only one responsible for your success, but this is a proven way to lose weight, remove food deprivation habits, and shatter weight loss beliefs that have been holding you back.
It’s also simple, uncomplicated but flexible as it gives you personal choice on what you choose to eat from each ratio section.
Eat 3 meals per day using the meal ratio below.
40% of your plate group A- Vegetables
GROUP A- Vegetables | - |
- | - |
Apples | Apricot |
Aubergine | Beansprouts |
Beetroot | Blackberries |
Blueberries | Bok choy |
Broccoli | Brussel sprouts |
Cabbage | Cauliflower |
Celery | Cherries |
Clementines | Courgettes |
Cucumber | Dates |
Dragon fruit | Fennel |
Figs | Garden peas |
Guava | Grapefruit |
Green beans | Kale |
Kiwi | Lambs lettuce |
Leeks | Lemons |
Lettuce | Limes |
Lychees | Mango |
Melon | Mushrooms |
Mushy peas | Olives |
Onions | Oranges |
Papaya | Passion fruit |
Peaches | Pears |
Peppers | Persimmon |
Petit pois | Pineapple |
Pomegranate | Radishes |
Raisins | Raspberries |
Runner beans | Satsumas |
Spring greens | Spring onions |
Spinach | Strawberries |
Starfruit | Sultanas |
Tangerines | Tomatoes |
Water chestnuts | Watercress |
Zuccini |
30% of your plate group b- protein
GROUP B- Protein | - |
- | - |
Beans | Chicken |
Cottage cheese | Edamame |
Eggs | Extra light Philadelphia |
Fish | Grains (including lentils) |
Greek yogurt | High protein Shakes/drinks |
High protein Yogurts | Lean bacon |
Lean mince (all varieties including mince) | Nuts (all varieties) |
Pea protein meat substitutes | Pork |
Raw nut bars | Seeds (all varieties) |
Soya products | Stuffing balls (meat and plant based) |
Tofu (all varieties) | Turkey (including turkey bacon and sausages) |
Whet protein powder (including clear) |
20% of your plate group c- carbs
GROUP c-carbs | - |
- | - |
Bagel | Bananas |
Bread x 2 slices | Bread roll |
Butternut squash | Cereal (preferably whole grain) |
Corn on the cob | Crackers Including rice crackers) |
Flour (preferably whole grain) | Noodles (preferably fresh) |
Parsnips | Pasta (preferably wholegrain) |
Pitta bread (1 x large) | Plantain |
Potatoes | Quinoa |
Rice (preferably whole grain) | Rolled oats |
Sweetcorn | Sweet potato |
Wrap x 1 large |
7% of your plate group d- dairy
GROUP d- dairy | - |
- | - |
Almond Milk | Almond yogurts |
Butter | Cheddar |
Coconut milk | Cows milk |
Butternut squash | Cereal (preferably whole grain) |
Corn on the cob | Crackers Including rice crackers) |
Cream | Cream cheeses (such as Philadelphia) |
Coconut milk | Feta |
Hallumi | Kefir (milk & yogurts) |
Margarine | Mozarella |
Protein puddings (including ice cream) | Soft cheeses (such as brie/camembert) |
Smoked cheeses | Sour cream |
Vegan butters | Vegan cheeses |
Vegan yogurts | Yogurts |
3% of your plate group e- healthy fats
GROUP e- healthy fats | - |
- | - |
Avocado | Avocado oil |
Dark chocolate | Extra virgin olive oil |
Hemp (seeds and powder) | Hummus |
Nut butters | Rapeseed oils |
Sardines | Tahini |
You can use spices freely, along with marmite, soy sauce, chilli sauce, sriracha and vinaigrette dressings but please use other sauces sparingly.

Ratio Meal Example
Honey Sriracha Chicken/plant based chicken (GROUP B),
Philadelphia mustard mash (GROUP C & D),
with roasted veg with extra virgin olive oil
(GROUP A & E).
If hungry (and only if hungry) eat 1 snack per day using the snack list below-
Snack options-
snack options | - |
- | - |
Almonds (x 6) | Apple and peanut butter (1 tablespoon) |
Apple and date caramel (1 tablespoon) | Babybel cheese |
Beef jerky (1 small bag) | Dark chocolate brazils x 3 |
Dark chocolate (4 x squares) | Egg may lettuce wraps |
Fibre one bar | Fruit pot (small) |
Jalapeño chicken/plant chicken popper lettuce wraps | Hummus and veg ( 4 tbsp) |
Lentil crisps (small bag) | Rice crackers (small bag) |
Stringy cheese | Tuna mayo lettuce wraps |
Drink at least 5 glass of water per day.
If you have achieved 1 – 3 you are now entitled to your FREEDOM 300.
which is 300 calories that you can use in any way you choose.
* Please note that this will be the only time that you will be asked to check calories ever *.
And you can either use them up that day, or save them to accumulate for the weekend.
Either way, they are yours to do as you please with, the only stipulation is that you have followed the other principles.
The great thing about this, is that if you don’t achieve the goal for your meals, rations and snacks in a day, you just start afresh the next day.
This takes away the damaging belief that ‘one bad day ruins it all’. Because one day not following the guide is just that, one day.
The main thing to remember here is that you are the only one that knows whether you have followed this fully, so you are the only one responsible for your success, but this is a proven way to lose weight, remove food deprivation habits, and shatter weight loss beliefs that have been holding you back.

1- Understand the different types of hunger, and how they affect you.

2- Eat before you have your morning coffee hit, even if it’s just something small.

3- Try to eat around 20-30g of protein for your breakfast (preferably savoury where possible).
Eating a high-protein breakfast can help with weight loss and hormone balance by increasing metabolism, reducing appetite, and affecting hormones that regulate weight.
Now I do appreciate that if you have a history of meal skipping this can be a challenge, so you can try to gradually introduce small breakfast options to adapt to this new eating habit.

4- Drink mindfully
One of the main questions that I get asked, when discussing the specifics of weight loss, especially weight loss with the assistance of MHBA is can you drink alcohol?
And the answer to that is yes! This entire guide is based around freedom, and I know both on a professional level and personal level that the minute something is forbidden it becomes more desirable, and we crave it more.
I believe that your weight loss journey should fit into your life, and not take over your life. So if you’re like me, and you enjoy a cheeky glass of fizz now and then, then depriving yourself of that will only lead to bingeing, as a result. And that is not the life that I want anyone to live as it causes too many internalised feelings of guilt and regret.
BUT, and it’s a really big BUT you must understand that consuming copious amounts of alcohol regularly WILL beyond a shadow of a doubt slow down your progress and at times halt it. It also slows down the effects of MHBA, so in order to make this supplement work well for you I strongly suggest you reduce your drinking habits.
However, it is always your choice, but I would like to make an informed choice. So here’s some information about alcohol that may help you on your journey-
- Alcohol contains calories, and although they are empty calories (no nutritional value), those calories are still relevant. Your body will still absorb them and turn them into fat just like it would a greasy kebab.
- Alcohol slows down your fat burning systems. The body considers alcohol a toxin/waste, therefore when someone drinks, it metabolises it, and other nutrients such as fat will be pushed aside. In Layman’s terms- your body cannot metabolise alcohol and fat at the same time, and your body will ALWAYS prioritise metabolising the alcohol first. Alcohol can shut down your fat burning systems for up to 36 hours (depending on the amount you have had). So technically, for around a day and a half your body stops burning fat.
- Alcohol lowers your inhibitions. It slows down the central nervous system, and this leads to feeling relaxed (and sometimes a little too relaxed). You no longer care so much about the journey that you are on, and begin to make different choices that contradict your goal. I know I have been guilty of saying ‘you only live once’ as I ordered a large cheesy chips, after a night on prosecco! But it has always slowed down my progress and left me feeling crap.
- Next day downer. Alcohol is a depressant, it literally has a come down. Most people find that the day after drinking, they crave junk food, or lots of carbs. And struggle with feeling low, emotional, and fatigued. This can cause lots of unhealthy, and unwanted circumstances.
- Alcohol wrecks havoc on your hormones. Chronic consumption of a large amount of alcohol disrupts the communication between the nervous, endocrine and immune system and causes hormonal disturbances. This means the benefit of hunger suppression that you receive from MHBA can be disrupted.
If you do find yourself choosing to drink then please try to choose drinks that are lower in calories, such as-
- Vodka- One shot contains 97 calories (0 gram carbs, 0 gram sugar)
- Rum- One shot contains 97 calories (0 gram carbs, 0 gram sugar)
- Whiskey, bourbon, and scotch- One shot contains 105 calories (0.03 grams of carbs per ounce, 0.03 grams of sugar per ounce)
- Gin- One shot contains 110 calories (0 gram carbs, 0 gram sugar)
Tequila- One shot contains 105 calories (0 gram carbs, 0 gram sugar) - Champagne/Prosecco- One 4-ounce glass contains 90 calories (3 grams carbs, 1 gram sugar)
Be more mindful when drinking those that are higher in calories and carbs. Such as-
- Beer- One 12-ounce bottle contains 153 calories (13 grams carbs, 0 gram sugar)
- Wine- One 5-ounce glass of wine contains 123 calories (4 grams carbs, 1 gram sugar)
- Baileys- One shot contains 147 calories (11 grams carbs, 9 grams sugar)
And remember that it will suppress the effect of the supplement and cause slower losses and at times none.
From my own personal experience, on the weeks that I had social plans and drank I had little success with losses, but on the weeks I refrained from drinking I achieved amazing results.

5- Avoid “diet foods”

6- Implement ‘food prepping’ into your routine.
It is important to recognise that this a guide and not a diet plan. The purpose of it design is for you to make guided choices that work FOR YOU.
Each person can adapt and use this guide to achieve your results.
It can take a while for this to become fully integrated into your life, so please give yourself time.